Bahan-bahan : 500 gram ayam, potong kecil 4 ulas bawang putih, hiris nipis 2 cm halia, dihiris halus memanjang 1 sudu besar kicap cair 1 sudu besar sos...
Why Him? is a comedy film directed by John Hamburg, written by Hamburg and Ian Helfer and starring James Franco, Bryan Cranston, Zoey Deutch, Megan Mullally, Griffin Gluck,...
Drama Menanti Februari merupakan sebuah drama terbitan Sha's Media Sdn Bhd dan diarahkan oleh Ayie Mustafa. Menampilkan gandingan Nur Fathia Latiff, Zul Ariffin dan Afiq Muiz sebagai pelakon...
Hi everyone, today I'm gonna share with you guys about this product which is very popular in Malaysia now, everyone is talking about the goodness of this product....
Kid can be funny sometimes because of their unique observation and innocence, they never fail to make us laugh. I think they just being honest on how they...
Bahan-bahan: 2 bungkus tepung beras - 1 bungkus 500gm 3 cawan gula 1 biji telur 1 biji kelapa - di perah sehingga 3x setiap perahan diasing-asingkan Air -...

Assalamualaikum. Dengan rasa rendah hati Fiza menjemput semua pembaca blog untuk sama-sama memeriahkan Giveaway yang dianjurkan sendiri oleh Fiza. Copy dan klik banner untuk penyertaan Giveaway Dior Miniature...
Sing is a animated musical comedy film produced by Illumination Entertainment. It was directed and written by Garth Jennings and co-directed by Christophe Lourdelet. A koala impresario attempt to...
Drama terbitan A.Aida Production Sdn Bhd dan arahan oleh Khalid Nadzri. Drama ini dibintangi oleh Azrel Ismail, Zahirah Macwilson, Tania Hudson, Idris Mat Diah, Catriona Ross dan ramai...
Hi guys! For todays review, I'd like to show you the Freeman Feeling Beautiful Avocado & Oatmeal Facial Clay Mask. I heard a lot of positive feedback about...