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Hadiah pertama : RM30
Hadiah kedua: RM20
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Hadiah Saguhati (5 Orang) : Bookmark magnet comel
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300gm cili padi
3 biji buah mangga muda
Sekeping belacan | dibakar
2 ulas bawang putih | dibakar
1 biji bawang besar | dibakar
Sedikit garam dan gula
1. Kisar cili padi bersama bahan yang dibakar.
2. Perasakan dengan garam dan juga gula secukupnya.
3. Akhir sekali, masukkan mangga muda yang telah disagat halus.
4. Gaul hingga rata.
Bahan-bahan :
- 1/2 kg Lala
- 1 sudu besar udang kering ( cincang )
- 1 sudu kecil bawang putih ( cincang )
- 1 sudu kecil bawang merah ( cincang )
- 6 tangkai cili kering ( potong halus )
- Beberapa tangkai daun kari
- 1 sudu besar rempah kari ikan - jadikan pes
- 1 biji bawang besar ( potong besar )
- 1 sudu besar kicap
Cara-cara :
1. Panaskan minyak
2. Masukkan udang kering, bawang kecil dan bawang putih. Goreng sampai naik wangi.
3. Kemudian masukkan daun kari dan cili kering.
4. Masukkan pes kari ikan tadi. Goreng sampai wangi.
5. Letakkan garam, gula dan serbuk perasa mengikut kehendak anda.
6. Masukkan lala dan bawang besar tadi.
7. Goreng sehingga anda rasa lala masak.
8. Masukkan kicap dan gaulkan sekali lagi.

The Great Wall is a monster film directed by Zhang Yimou and written by Tony Gilroy, Doug Miro and Carlo Bernard. European mercenaries searching for black powder become embroiled in the defense of the Great Wall of China against a horde of monstrous creatures.
Matt Damon as William
Tian Jing as Commander Lin Mae
Willem Dafoe as Ballard
Andy Lau as Strategist Wang
Pedro Pascal as Tovar
Hanyu Zhang as General Shao
Han Lu as Peng Yong
Kenny Lin as Commander Chen
Eddie Peng as Commander Wu
Xuan Huang as Commander Deng
Ryan Zheng as Shen
Karry Wang as Emperor
Cheney Chen as Imperial Officer
Pilou Asbæk as Bouchard
Numan Acar as Najid
Johnny Cicco as Rizzetti
Searching for the secret of gunpowder, twenty European mercenaries have traveled to China during the reign of the Renzong Emperor. A few miles north of the Great Wall, they are pursued by Khitan bandits, who have already killed some of the men. Upon escaping, they seek refuge in a cave but are attacked by an unknown monster, leaving only William and Tovar alive, with the former having slashed off the monster's hand. The two decide to bring the arm with them. The next day, they stumble upon the Great Wall and are taken prisoner by Chinese soldiers of a secretive military sect called the Nameless Order, led by General Shao and Strategist Wang.
The Nameless Order is a Chinese military order commissioned by the Imperial Court of the Song Dynasty as a special division of the Imperial Army conceived for the sole purpose of repelling a horde of alien monsters who rise every sixty years. The commanding officers are shocked upon seeing the monster's severed hand, as the Order believed the invasion was still a week away. Suddenly, a large wave of monsters attack the Great Wall, and the battalions are mobilized.
So what's happening next?
General Shao and commanding officers are shocked upon seeing the monster's severed hand
William and Tovar have taken prisoner by Chinese soldiers and they cut the monster's hand
This is the monster's called Tao Tei
Tao Tei attack the Great Wall suddenly after two days of that incident
William and Tovar helping the Chinese soldiers
William and Tovar's battle skills earn the respect of General Shao
I'm not gonna lie but this scene is really great. That skills and ASMR.
Two Tao Tei reach the top of the Wall and silently kill several watchmen. Shao and Lin were ambushed.
I kind of confused because of the Tao Tei. Where did this monster come, when, how and why? This is a good movie with great visuals, panoramic and action scenes, costumes, sets, wonderful acting and script. Really enjoyed the film.
Rating : 8/10
Hi, everyone! It is Monday, yeah! It's been so long that I didn't review beauty product because I'm quite busy these days. Hehe I'm going to review about Maybelline The Nudes Eyeshadow Palette today. This is my first eyeshadow palette and I'm totally in love because it has beautiful shades. This palette is good for a beginner like me, I don't really like to make my eyes looks so fancy and makes people want to stare at my eyes. So let's do it!
Packaging :
The eyeshadow comes in a black plastic case with a transparent lid which closes securely with no mirror inside. It is travel-friendly and the lid is transparent so one can easily see the colors through it.
Scents :
No scents at all which is very good.

Texture :
Some of the colors are pigmented but some not. Some chalky but I'm okay with it. The shimmer has great color and pretty smooth.
Colour :
Have 12 gorgeous neutral colors from matte to shimmer.
Applicator :
There are sponge and brush tip applicator. Very easy to apply using this applicator. Normally I apply the eyeshadow using sponge side and then blend it using the brush tip.

How to use :
At the back of the case, there is an instruction on how to use it. You can use either Duos, Trios or Quads.
Verdict :
I definitely recommend this palette to an eye makeup beginner, as it has neutral shades for everyday use, along with some helpful guidelines on how to use them. You can always mix n match colors to create your own look. You can get this at any participating pharmacies such as Guardian and Watsons. They retails for RM69.90. But they are always on sale. I bought this palette from Overall, it is a decent palette with a few misses.
Hope you enjoy this review and give some comment down below if you also use this product.
Bye xoxo.
Traveling is wonderful in many ways. Traveling takes you out of your routine, and it allows you to view life through a new lens. I believe it takes incredible courage and passion to explore the unknown. Going on vacation lets us enjoy a stress free time with yourself. When traveling with friends or family it creates memories for a lifetime. Here are a few places which are currently at the top of my ‘travel wish-list’
1. Cappadocia, Turkey
Hot-air ballooning is very popular in Cappadocia and I would love to be in one of those balloons. Well, I would love to travel across all city in Turkey because it is one of the countries in my travel bucket lists. I only fear the language barrier.
2. Santorini, Greece
I think everyone wants to travel here because of the island or the view. In recent years, Santorini has been voted one of the world's most beautiful islands in 2015, so that is one of the reasons I want to travel there. The traditional house's architecture of Santorini is so beautiful.
3. Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Hurray, another island to travel. Bora Bora is a major international tourist destination, famous for its aqua-centric luxury resorts. So beautiful! I think this island is great for newlyweds couples honeymoon. Even my friends also would love to travel here when they get married, I hope they invite me too. Hehe (jk)
4. Pulau Rawa, Malaysia
Hmm, here another island to revealed! This island is small and beautiful island surrounded by clean blue waters. There is only two small resorts for people seeking a secluded and weekend getaway. Maybe I should travel to this island first before other places because it is in Malaysia.
5. Machu Picchu, Peru
Machu Picchu is one of the most popular iconic sites in the world and built around 1450 but abandoned it a century later. Machu Picchu is one of 7 wonders of the world and I found the architecture is so beautiful and unique.
I'm kind of island type of person but I also love to adventure places like mountains or something extreme such as machu pichu, balloon tour, giza pyramids and others. I can't wait for the day when I can cross one of these off my travel bucket list. I hope you’ve enjoyed this short post on places I’d love to visit soon. Let me know if you’ve been to any of these places and where is top of your list!
Have a great week!
1kg daging | dihiris nipis
8 ulas bawang merah | dimayang halus
3 ulas bawang putih | dimayang halus
2.5cm halia | dimayang halus
2.5cm lengkuas | dimayang halus
3 keping asam gelugur
3 biji cili kering | digunting halus
1 sudu teh biji ketumbar
2liter air
Garam, gula dan serbuk perasa secukupnya
1. Masukkan air dan daging yangtelah dihiris ke dalam periuk. Rebus sehingga empuk. Tambah jumlah air jika perlu.
2. Setelah daging empuk, masukkan bahan yang telah dimayang halus, asam gelugur serta biji ketumbar.
3. Perasakan dengan garam, gula serta serbuk perasa dengan secukupnya.
4. Akhir sekali, masukkan cili kering yang telah digunting.
5. Sedia untuk dinikmati.
Drama Mencintaimu Mr. Photographer diadaptasi daripada novel karya Emma Mariam. Drama terbitan MIG Production Sdn Bhd arahan Eyra Rahman. Diterajui oleh Syafiq Kyle dan Hannah Delisha sebagai pelakon utama.
Syafiq Kyle sebagai Nazmi Elyas (Jemy)
Hannah Delisha sebagai Aira Qaisara
Arash Mohd sebagai Tan Sri Megat Miqdad
Marisa Yasmin sebagai Marlia
Hairie Othman sebagai Datuk Roslan
Amy Mastura sebagai Datin Laila
Fahmy Reza sebagai Akmal
Ariz Lufias sebagai Nazrul Elya
Mimi Ernida sebagai Tiara
Aishah Azman sebagai Mila
Elvina Chua sebagai Emily
Vicha Saywho sebagai Nadia
Ikmal Amry sebagai Rahim
Carolina sebagai Tiara Muda
Bernard Hiew sebagai Alan
Lia Natalia sebagai Mimi
Dilla Ahmad seabgai Dato Mialarasati
Amber Chia sebagai Kiki
Aku dah jatuh cinta dengan Mr.Photographer tu? Hanya satu klik pada lensa kamera hubungan Aira dan Jemy semakin rapat.
“Kau ingat kau tu cantik sangat ke sampai aku nak kena curi-curi tangkap gambar kau?” – Jemy
Aira geram. Ah! Photographer tu memang sengal!
“Saya nak kerja sini.” – Aira
Kerana impiannya untuk bergelar seorang model, Aira rela menelan setiap perangai berlagak dan panas baran Jemy. Namun, tanpa sedar setiap pertengkaran melahirkan cinta. Orang lain tak kenal maka tak cinta, Jemy dan Aira pula dah gaduh-gaduh baru nak kenal cinta.
“Aku nak dia gayakan rekaan terbaru aku!”
Di situ bermula detik di mana Aira, seorang pembantu studio fotografi berubah kepada seorang model.
Cinta yang kian bercambah disemi dengan kata-kata rindu dan sayang. Tentangan hebat daripada Tan Sri Megat Miqdad dan tuntutan kerjaya sebagai seorang model membuatkan Aira nekad menerima Jemy sebagai suami. Sebuah perkahwinan rahsia tercipta. Status isteri kepada seorang photographer turut dirahsiakan. Pahit manis rumah tangga dirasai. Cemburu dan kemanisan cinta membuah rasa bahagia yang tak terkata.
Dugaan dan kesilapan silam menjadi duri dalam hubungan mereka. Aira terpanar bila dituduh hanya mempermainkan perasaan Jemy sedangkan cintanya tiada penghujung. Akhirnya, demi menjaga hati masing-masing, kata perpisahan terbitdi hujung bibir. Namun, tegakah hati melepaskan yang tercinta? Rahsia apakah yang tersembunyi hingga membuat Jemy terpaksa melafazkan perpisahan? Pengkhianatan dan kesetiaan, yang mana satu pilihan mereka?
Drama bersiri Megat Extend terbitan Kl Motion Pictures merupakan komedi arahan Johan Bahar itu menampilkan pelakon seperti Saharul Ridzwan, Ezzaty Abdullah, Luqman Hafidz, Nonny Nadirah, Haris Zainuddin dan Natasha Elyzza.
Saharul Ridzwan sebagai Megat
Ezzaty Abdullah sebagai Malin
Luqman Hafidz sebagai Iwan
Nonny Nadirah sebagai Alvie
Haris Zainuddin sebagai Dani Zakaria
Natasha Elyzza sebagai Nikki
Hani Nazrina sebagai Maya
Natasya Mahyan sebagai Cempaka
Ninie sebagai CC
Afiq Max sebagai Teo
Shah Hakimi sebagai Ariff
Kehidupan di kampus sekumpulan pelajar yang tinggal bersama-sama di rumah milik senior mereka, Megat, pelajar senior yang 'in denial' dan tidak mahu untuk meninggalkan kehidupan kampus.
Nowadays, more people say they prefer online shopping over conventional shopping because online shopping has so many benefits in comparison to regular shopping. It is true that you can get some great bargains online, but you also save money in other areas too. You save on transport, parking, and lunch. Online shopping makes it easy to compare sellers before buying. They can get more detail before making a decision to buy or not. I also love online shopping as I have the freedom to shop whenever I like. Here is some favourite online store that I prefer to shop and get everything :
What I personally like about Hermo, it is one of Malaysia's online beauty retailer. They have over 300 brands and offers bestsellers and the latest must-haves from highly sought-after beauty brands at affordable prices. They have everything that I need. If you log in and take attendance daily, you guys will get 200 FREE credits. I really love this system because I can get RM5 off if I have 500 credits. They also have more than 200,000 trusted reviews & counting. You guys can read thousands of reviews of your favorite products. Not only that, they only sell 100% authentic products. If you buy 2 products, you will get free shipping.
Here is another online store that I really love. Shopee is a fun, free and trusted online marketplace where you can buy and sell on mobile anytime, anywhere! They have a wide range of popular cosmetics, beauty products, home decor, women's fashion, men's fashion and more, all at the best prices in Malaysia. Besides, you guys can save while you shop with their amazing bargains and deals. I'm not gonna lie but all sellers provide very cheap price and good service. If you want to have a business this is it. They sometimes have a voucher, free shipping and other programs that will make you always wanna buy from them.
If you're lazy like me, this is the best online store you need. You can get anythings from this website; foods, electronic; beauty stuff; shoes and others. Lazada also offers 100% Buyer Protection where they guarantee that you get only genuine, brand new products that are not defective or damaged. If you are for any reason, dissatisfied with your product you can simply return it within 7 days for a full refund.
This is fashion heaven! If you crazy about fashion, this is the one that you absolutely need. I love zalora, they have over 1000 brands and 50,000 products. Some brands offer cheap product but at the same time, their product is very good quality and fashionable. You also can get your wardrobe staples here likes tops, dresses, jeans and a pair of the hottest shoes like heels and loafers. Besides, there is also essential accessories such as jewelry, bags and cufflinks to complement your formal outfits. Use the voucher code "ZLAPP15" to get 15% off on your first purchase.
Do you have your favourite online store? Share with me in comment section below.
- 1/4 cawan Nutella
- 1 biji telur
- 2 sudu besar tepung gandum
1. Gaul Nutella, telur dan tepung gandum hingga sebati.
2. Microwave adunan selama 1 minit.
3. Tabur gula icing jika mahu.
4. Siap untuk dimakan!
Cleaning your makeup brushes regularly is important. Not only will get rid of acne-causing bacteria, but it will also prevent your makeup colors from getting mixed. If you have problem skin or acne, I’d definitely advise that you clean your brushes a little more than average person, you may notice an improvement. So here are what you need to clean your make up brushes.
Ingredients :
1. Vinegar (Any vinegar you have)
2. Dishwashing liquid or baby shampoo
3. Water
How to clean :
1. Put all ingredient (vinegar, dishwashing liquid, water) in a bowl.
2. Dip the brush into the bowl. As you can see, as soon as I dip the brush, all dirt from the brush come out instantly.
3. Swirl the brush. Then, rinse the bristles under lukewarm water after 5 minutes.
P/S : I recommend to wash the brush with baby shampoo after you guys done rinse the brush with water.
4. Pat the bristles dry and let the brush air dry.
Done! Since I don't have a lot of brushes so I frequently wash my brushes to avoid picking up bacteria to my skin that can cause acne. Washing your makeup brushes should be a regular part of your beauty routine.
So, if you have any special care of brushes, let me know in comment box below. Thanks!
So, if you have any special care of brushes, let me know in comment box below. Thanks!
Bahan-bahan (ayam):
3 sudu besar tepung gandum
2 sudu besar tepung jagung
¼ cawan air
Lada sulah
Dada ayam
Bahan-bahan (sos masam manis):
3 sudu besar sos tomato
2 sudu besar sos cili limau
1 sudu besar sos tiram
1 sudu besar gula
1 sudu besar cuka
1 sudu besar tepung jagung
¾ cawan air
Bahan-bahan selebihnya:
1 biji bawang kuning
3 ulas bawang putih
1 biji lada benggala
2 biji cili merah
¼ cawan kiub nanas
Lada sulah
1. Gaul kesemua bahan salutan ayam.
2. Dalam mangkuk yang lain, gaul kesemua bahan sos masam manis.
3. Goreng ayam yang disalut hingga keemasan.
4. Kurangkan minyak sedikit dan tumis bawang kuning dan bawang putih.
5. Masukkan lada benggala dan cili merah. Gaul.
6. Masukkan campuran sos dan masak hingga pekat.
7. Masukkan kiub nanas dan gaul.
8. Masukkan lada sulah dan gaul.
9. Masukkan ayam yang digoreng itu tadi dan gaul hingga rata.
10. Siap untuk dihidang.
Drama adaptasi novel Kopi Mr Vampire karya Aii Fariza. Drama arahan Eyra Rahman ini menampilkan lakonan Ungku Ismail Aziz dan Nazeera Sardi sebagai pelakon utama.
Ungku Ismail Aziz sebagai Alif Irsyad
Nazeera Sardi sebagai Nuzul Filzah
Lia Natalia sebagai Nuha Filzah
Aizat Hassan sebagai Irham
Fatin Afeefa sebagai Nurin Filzah
Amanda Hariz sebagai Nazeera
Shahronizam sebagai Tan Sri Jefri
Sharifah Shahora sebagai Puan Sri Ayuni
Ellyas Abdullah sebagai Safwan
Adam Shahz sebagai Saiful
Serina Redzuawan sebagai Datin Maizah
Dayang Areeda seagai Irina
Shima Anuar sebagai Laila
Fahmy Reza sebagai Megat Benjamin
Selaku CEO, Alif Irsyad tidak pernah mengimpikan jatuh cinta pada seorang waitress. Teori Irsyad mudah. Gadis biasa seperti Nuzul tidak layak digandingkan bersamanya. Alif Irsyad dengan yakin memberitahu rakannya Saiful bahawa dia tidak mudah jatuh cinta lebih-lebih lagi kepada perempuan yang tidak setaraf. Tetapi kata-kata tersebut memakan dirinya kerana dia mula jatuh cinta kepada Nuzul, pekerja kafe Saiful dan merupakan kawan baik isterinya, Laila. Pada mulanya Alif Irsyad menidakkan perasaannya pada Nuzul namun makin dielak makin menjadi-menjadi lalu diluahkan perasaannya itu kepada Nuzul. Bermulalah kisah suka duka antara mereka berdua.
Hi guys, today's entry is all about Korean variety show. I love to watch Korean Variety Shows, their show is very interesting and fun. Our Malaysian variety show also is quite good and I will review some of them soon, so wait for it guys. Hehe. I know some you guys don't watch Korean show/dramas because of this lame excuse ''Tak faham dorang cakap ape'', heard that thousand times. Come on, ada subtitle kot, any language you want mehhh..
1. Running Man
The MCs and guests were to complete missions at a landmark to win the race. This show has become popular in other parts of Asia and has gained online popularity among Hallyu fans, having been fansubbed into some languages by international audiences. BTW, I'm not missing any episode starting from the beginning until recent episode. Kind of die hard fan. Hahaha. I like all members in this show, they have their own charm so I can't choose which one is better. Recently, they add new members, at first, I can't really feel their chemistry but as the episode goes, both of new member is quite good and funny too. Totally favorite show!
2. Return of Superman
Celebrity dads are left to care for their kids alone for 48 hours without the help of anyone, while their wives leave the home to enjoy some relaxing time off. Here is another reality-variety show that I love, I don't miss any episode of this show. I watch how Lee Hwi Jae's twins grow up from the first episode. There is some former cast that only appear for 5 episodes which make me sad because their children are so cute and lovely and I hope they appear longer. I like how Koreans parent disciplines their kids, maybe I'm doing it too when I have a child. Hahaha. I can't choose which one of the cast that I love most because all of them is so cute. I hope the twins will continue their episodes because I feel lacking when they're not there. hihihi
3. Hello Counselor
I really recommend this show for everyone because you all can see and listen to other people problems which also can help yourself to be a better person. I love how this show makes people realize about their mistakes and regret on their wrongdoing while counseling them to be better. This show also appears a lot of idols and actor/actress. I love all the MCs in this show, they're fun and good at the same time.
4. Law of The Jungle
The cast of celebrities travels to less-habitats, natural places to survive on their own and experience life with local tribes and people. I watch this show for a few episodes recently that makes me want to watch it again and again. I like how Byung Man survives and brave in every situation, he's surely a chief in the jungle. I can't live in a jungle because I'm scared of leech. Hahaha (seriously tho). This show is kind of Man vs Wild if you guys watch Discovery Channels but a better version (mild version lol).
5. We Got Married
The show pairs up Korean celebrities to show what life would be like if they were married. Each week, couples have assigned missions to complete, with candid interviews of the participants to reveal their thoughts and feelings. I watch this show started from season 2. I like this couples ; 2AM's Jo Kwon & Brown Eyed Girls' Gain, CNBLUE's Jung Yong Hwa & Girl's Generation's Seohyun, SEASON 3; 2PM's Nichkhun & f(x)'s Victoria, Lee Jang-woo & T-ara's Eunjung, SEASON 4; SHINee's Lee Tae-min & A Pink's Son Na-eun and all cast/couples from episode 238 to 373 (Sorry, I'm so lazy to wrote all their names, so please google which couples from episode 238 to 373).
So, what about you guys? Have any korean variety show that you like? Share with me in comment section down below.
The show pairs up Korean celebrities to show what life would be like if they were married. Each week, couples have assigned missions to complete, with candid interviews of the participants to reveal their thoughts and feelings. I watch this show started from season 2. I like this couples ; 2AM's Jo Kwon & Brown Eyed Girls' Gain, CNBLUE's Jung Yong Hwa & Girl's Generation's Seohyun, SEASON 3; 2PM's Nichkhun & f(x)'s Victoria, Lee Jang-woo & T-ara's Eunjung, SEASON 4; SHINee's Lee Tae-min & A Pink's Son Na-eun and all cast/couples from episode 238 to 373 (Sorry, I'm so lazy to wrote all their names, so please google which couples from episode 238 to 373).
So, what about you guys? Have any korean variety show that you like? Share with me in comment section down below.